I changed my profile a bit. I will be changing it even more and I'll probably change my header soon. So yes,there will be a lot of changing and soon I'll do a friends cut. I know it sounds funny since my lj is not friends only but there are some posts that are and there are also a lot of people who never comment here and I don't know them so they
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Ok huge art post coming! I'll post all the things I didn't so far,so I believe there'll be a lot of things... But first I just want to wish Justin Chambers a very happy birthday!!!
Yes,yes this is another fanmix from me... But you gotta admit I didn't do this for a while LOL. So it's my 2nd Alex/Izzie fanmix and it's mainly season 5. I hope you like it! Enjoy and comment! :))
I had to do this. I really had to. I have so little time now because the end of the year is so close and I have to study for the entrance exam for my faculty but this episode made me do this inspite of all the other things I have to do. So here's one huge art post,all about Alex*Izzie wedding :)) Oh and I changed my header,of course :))
OMFG! This was definitely one of my favourite GA episodes! I knew they would do this,I just knew it! And I love love love them for that! And I love love love Izzie and I love love love love love Alex and LOVE LOVE LOVE Alex/Izzie! I'm sure all the AIers out there are as happy as I am now and also worried that they will really kill off Izzie. I
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This week was,well let's say,hard for me... I was feeling crappy and I was so cheerless and moody... It was because,you know, feminine problems. I mean,I'm always nervous and feeling like I'm gonna kill somebody when it comes to htis things. I had a few breakdowns in my school,which I have never done,I never let myself to get so pissed off at
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